======Training (schools, courses, workshops)======
===== 1st year =====
^Event ^Time and place ^Team member(s) ^Involvement ^
^[[http://www.iuc.hr/course-details.php?id=866|Analytic Philosophy: Pluralism in Mathematics, Logic and Semantics]], a post-graduate course at the Inter-University Centre|Dubrovnik. June 15-19, 2015|Gabriela Bašić|participant, a PhD student presentation: //Argumentation, Rationality and Conventions//|
^[[http://www.uni-log.org/start5.html|5th World School on Universal Logic (UNILOG)]]|Istanbul, June 20-25, 2015| Srećko Kovač \\ Goran Lojkić, Ivan Restović| invited tutorial //Kant's Logic// \\ PhD student participants|
^[[http://www.iuc.hr/course-details.php?id=892|Mind, World and Action]], a post-graduate course at the Inter-University Centre|Dubrovnik. August 24-28, 2015| Majda Trobok|course co-director, \\ course lecturer: //Concepts or not
concepts --- a reply to Williamson's reply//|
^[[http://www.iuc.hr/conference-details.php?id=251|Logic and Applications]], a post-graduate course at the Inter-University Centre|Dubrovnik. September 21-25, 2015|Goran Lojkić, Ivan Restović|PhD student participants|
^[[https://agenda.unibocconi.it/eventi/attach/PosterSraffa_Themis12Feb20160202112904.pdf|A Workshop on Deontic Logic]], Bocconi University|Milan. February 12, 2016|Berislav Žarnić |invited lecture //A Social-Pragmatic View on the Concept of Normative consistency//|
===== 2nd year =====
^Event ^Time and place ^Team member(s) ^Involvement ^
^[[https://www.iuc.hr/course-details.php?id=996|Analytic Philosophy: The Emergence of Numbers]], a post-graduate course at the Inter-University Centre|Dubrovnik. June 12--16, 2016| Majda Trobok|course co-director, \\ course lecturer: // Image-based Intuitions and their relation to the basic arithmetical concepts//|
^[[http://esslli2016.unibz.it/|28th European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI)]]|Bolzano (Italy). August 15--26, 2016| Goran Lojkić, Ivan Restović| PhD student participants|
^[[http://www.iuc.hr/course-details.php?id=892|Mind, World and Action]], a post-graduate course at the Inter-University Centre|Dubrovnik. August 29 -- September 2, 2016| Gabriela Bašić|PhD student participant, talk: // Arguments as Abstract Objects vs. Arguments as
^[[http://www.iuc.hr/course-details.php?id=892|Mind, World and Action]], a post-graduate course at the Inter-University Centre|Dubrovnik. August 29 -- September 2, 2016| Majda Trobok|course co-director, \\ course lecturer: // Image-based Intuitions and their relation to the basic arithmetical concepts//|
^[[http://www.hucc.hokudai.ac.jp/~k15696/home/sr16/program.html|SOCREAL 2016: 4th International Workshop on Philosophy and Logic of Social Reality]]|Sapporo (Japan). October 28--30, 2016| Berislav Žarnić|workshop co-chair, \\ invited lecture: // Reinterpretation of deontic logic in the light of logical pragmatics.//|
^[[https://www.iuc.hr/course-details.php?id=1013|Philosophy of Science: Philosophy of Biology, Thought Experiments, Foundations and Ethics of Neuroscience]]|Dubrovnik. April 24--28, 2017| Goran Lojkić|PhD student participant, talk: // Intensional Cumulative Ramified Type Theory (a rough sketch)//|
^[[https://www.iuc.hr/course-details.php?id=1013|Philosophy of Science: Philosophy of Biology, Thought Experiments, Foundations and Ethics of Neuroscience]]|Dubrovnik. April 24--28, 2017| Ivan Restović|PhD student participant, talk: // Brouwer Against Science//|